Welcome to New Covenant Community Church! 51 East Oneida Street, Oswego, NY

Sermons from New Covenant Community Church

Jesus is fully God and fully man. The fullness of God somehow dwelling inside of human flesh, and this is exactly the high priest that we need as an intermediary…

Charting Your Course

November 2, 2014
If we don't have our course charted, how do we know if we are getting anywhere? We need to know our goal, where we came from, and where we are.

More for Less

October 26, 2014
"I must decrease, and He must increase." Our lives should be lived pointing people to Jesus and not to ourselves. Part 3/3 of the John 3 series.

Nothing but the Best

October 19, 2014
Too often we settle for less than the best. Instead, we need to embrace the unconditional love of Jesus that doesn't change no matter where we are in life. Part…

The Crisis of Christ

October 12, 2014
How can we succeed in crisis? What do we do when God doesn't make sense? Part 1/3 of the John 3 series.

Chasing Change

October 5, 2014
How can we learn to embrace change that the Lord wants to bring and thrive in it? If we want to produce effective and permanent change in our lives, we…

Come, Hear, and Act

September 28, 2014
A firm foundation is necessary if we want to build anything that's going to last. As the Lord is rebuilding our foundation, will we submit to him?

Stimulated for Christ

September 21, 2014

The Truth Doesn’t Burn

September 14, 2014

Take God at His Word

September 7, 2014

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(315) 343-4981 nccc@newccc.org Sunday Worship Service 10am