Sermons from New Covenant Community Church
Isaiah 61:1-4,10; Psalm 126:1-2. Jesus offers us something the world could never offer us: the chance to have a fresh beginning and a newness in our lives. Just like the…
God will often bring us intentionally into situations where we are powerless to do anything except rely on Him. In this sermon, Pastor Joel Greutman looks at the account of…
In the same way that our strengths can become a liability where we tend not to depend on God, our weaknesses can become an advantage for us to depend on…
The Lord will intentionally put us into situations and times of our lives that are designed to grow our faith. Sometimes it's through hardship, other times it's through simple obedience.…
Gideon was doubtful but God was faithful. In his humble state, Gideon looked at the situation of his countrymen and of his family line and could not believe that God…
We need a picture of unity in the church and our purpose in it. The Lord has given us all different gifts and we all fit together, but it doesn't…
We want to receive the promises of God, but in order to do so, we have to walk in the principles of God. The church has a problem: we want…
In our culture, it's easy to vilify what's happening in our society today and complain about what's happening without putting on the identity of Christ and making him the focus…
Acts 9:1-9; 1 Corinthians 13:11-13; Ephesians 6:12. We have got to love like Jesus loves. But God knows the transformation is a process and not a one-time occurrence. It's hard…
When we look at the person that the Lord has called us to be, we should be overwhelmed, but it's because we can't do it in our own strength. The…