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Sermons from New Covenant Community Church

Fully Known by God

November 18, 2018
God knows us intimately. Though there are things in our lives that we may think disqualify us from being used by God, He is still interested in using us. In…

Staying or Leaving

November 11, 2018
As we read accounts about the Pharisees and Jewish leaders around the time of Jesus, we often judge their attitudes rather than see ourselves reflected. In the book of John…

Demonstrated Faith

November 4, 2018
It's easy to read, to say, even to pray that we would trust God more, but it's harder to actually do. Sometimes God may be asking us to do things…

The Boldness of the Believer

October 28, 2018
The apostles in the book of Acts were pretty bold. But where did that boldness come from, and is it available to us? In this teaching, Pastor Joel Greutman talks…

Let the Lord Carry the Load

October 21, 2018
The phrase "God will never give you more than you can handle," is not in the Bible. While God will give us an escape from temptation, He will always bring…


October 14, 2018
Who is like the Lord? God is so high above anything we can understand and yet He knows the very number of hairs on our heads. The God who created…

The Fellowship of the Mystery

September 30, 2018
Paul prays for the church that we would be able to comprehend something that surpasses knowledge. And that thing is the love of Christ. But in fellowship with one another…

Psalm 126

September 23, 2018
We need to dream, we need to laugh, we need to come to Jesus. In this look at Psalm 126, Pastor Dick Beaumont encourages us to lay our lives down…

Unstoppable Courage

September 16, 2018
Acts 4:1-3, Isaiah 40:28-31. In this culture, there are many things that are set against us as Christians. But God gives us the courage to speak boldly for Christ. Our…

Battle for Blessing

September 9, 2018
As we read Psalm 144, we can see the way in which an earthly man interacted with a heavenly God. How the way that David submitted everything, even his strengths,…
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