Welcome to New Covenant Community Church! 51 East Oneida Street, Oswego, NY

Sermons from New Covenant Community Church

Risen Hope

April 21, 2019
Jesus is not exclusive. He longs to gather all who would come to Him, even those that have rejected Him. Every one of was separated from God, but while we…
God has a covenant with man through Jesus Christ, that through His death the door was opened for fullness of life on earth and eternal life forever. He has given…

God’s Hidden Purposes

March 31, 2019
Who is this God that we serve? What is He really like? And what has He put in me that He wants to bring out and use? There are things…
Paul is a masterful builder, a great coach. Like a coach of a basketball team, Paul knows when to be gentle and when to give the Church a little kick…

The Peace Only God Brings

March 17, 2019
We all want peace. We want to be content, whole, and have our needs met. And Jesus is the only source of that peace, but we have to come to…
God has not withheld Himself from us. He has removed all of the obstacles between us and Him. Sometimes we get tripped up when we view our track record, thinking…
If we commit our lives to God, He is going to work everything out for His purposes. He is in control. Whether we have it easy at the moment or…
Our lives are promised suffering, storms, and general unpleasantness. But in the midst of wondering why and wondering what our future holds, we should remember what Corrie Ten Boom says,…

Slaves No Longer

February 17, 2019
Whatever we are led by, we serve. If we serve ourselves, then we become a slave to our own desires. But if we are led by the Spirit of God,…
The penalty of our sin is very real, but God has made a way through Christ so that we do not have to bear the penalty of our sin. We…
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(315) 343-4981 nccc@newccc.org Sunday Worship Service 10am