Sermons from New Covenant Community Church
What is hope? Is it just desire or unfounded wishing? Or is it something we can be sure of? In this sermon, Pastor Dick Beaumont speaks about how our true…
Storms will come. Jesus never promises that we will avoid hardship, so what will happen in our lives when those trials come? In this sermon, Pastor Dick Beaumont talks about…
Galatians 6:9-10; Colossians 4:5-6; Ephesians 4:1-3, 32; Matthew 10:37. God is relational and since we were made in His image, we also are relational. And though we are in a…
Matthew 11:28-30. During times of uncertainty, Jesus offers stability. He doesn't promise to make our lives devoid of hardship, but he promises to bring good out of every situation. He…
Sometimes life is scary and things happen that are unpredictable. Do we fear? Do we panic? Or do we know that God is in control no matter what? God has…
We need to Be Strong, but the strength we need is not our own. In our own lives, we deal with insecurity, identity issues, and doubts in our faith in…
What comes first in our lives? Family? Occupation? Finances? Health? ...or God? In the book of Haggai when the people heard God speaking to them saying that He wasn't first…
When we look at the account of Daniel and the den of lions, what do we see? Do we only see a man who God delivered? Or do we see…
We need to stand strong and stop being intimidated by others. We are in a war. Not against other people, but against the enemy of our souls. He is actively…
Much of what God is doing and is going to do in the Church stems from placing our hope in the right place. When our hope is in Jesus, we…