Welcome to New Covenant Community Church! 51 East Oneida Street, Oswego, NY

God’s Battle Plan

Bible Text: Matthew 11:28-30, 2 Timothy 2:23-26, Proverbs 15:1, Ephesians 6:12, Romans 12:2 | Preacher: Dick Beaumont | Series: Identity | In Paul’s second letter to Timothy, he says very plainly to not get involved in discussions that lead to arguments. Instead, he says to live in kindness and patience, Read more…

February 25, 2018
In Paul's second letter to Timothy, he says very plainly to not get involved in discussions that lead to arguments. Instead, he says to live in kindness and patience, even…

Stopping Identity Theft

Bible Text: Psalm 143:1-12, 1 John 1:9, Romans 8:1 | Preacher: Dick Beaumont | Series: Identity | The Devil wants to steal our identity in Christ and make us forget who we really are. In this sermon, Pastor Dick Beaumont looks at how David knew who he was and he Read more…

February 11, 2018
The Devil wants to steal our identity in Christ and make us forget who we really are. In this sermon, Pastor Dick Beaumont looks at how David knew who he…

God’s Reality Show

Bible Text: Isaiah 58:1-14 | Preacher: Dick Beaumont | Series: None | God is genuine, and He is looking for genuine people. When we put up a front of goodness while in our hearts our motivation not sincere, and in secret our lives are not changed, God is not impressed. Read more…

January 28, 2018
God is genuine, and He is looking for genuine people. When we put up a front of goodness while in our hearts our motivation not sincere, and in secret our…

Reflecting God

Bible Text: Exodus 33:12-18, Exodus 34:5-7, 1 Corinthians 13:4-7, Psalm 141:5 | Preacher: Dick Beaumont | Series: None | God wants to show His glory on the earth. However, most of the time it’s not going to be a display of supernatural power, but instead will be us reflecting His Read more…

January 14, 2018
God wants to show His glory on the earth. However, most of the time it's not going to be a display of supernatural power, but instead will be us reflecting…

Know Your Identity in Christ – Believe & Receive

Bible Text: Isaiah 43:18-19, Luke 9:62, John 16:14-15, 2 Timothy 1:7, Isaiah 43:1 | Preacher: Dick Beaumont | Series: Identity | Isaiah 43:18-19; Luke 9:62; John 16:14-15; 2 Timothy 1:7; Isaiah 43:1. God has created every one of us with a specific purpose. But many times we have a hard Read more…

January 7, 2018
Isaiah 43:18-19; Luke 9:62; John 16:14-15; 2 Timothy 1:7; Isaiah 43:1. God has created every one of us with a specific purpose. But many times we have a hard time…

God’s Pure Light

Bible Text: Isaiah 9:1-7, John 8:34, John 3:16 | Preacher: Dick Beaumont | Series: None | There are all kinds of things in the world that we can go after, but only one way to have eternity with God. God loved people, so He sent his son to make a Read more…

December 24, 2017
There are all kinds of things in the world that we can go after, but only one way to have eternity with God. God loved people, so He sent his…

Navigating Eden

Bible Text: Genesis 2:15-3:9 | Preacher: Dick Beaumont | Series: Finding Eden | Most of us know the account of Adam and Eve in the Bible about how they had everything they needed provided for them, living in the garden of God. But they lost it all, and through them Read more…

December 10, 2017
Most of us know the account of Adam and Eve in the Bible about how they had everything they needed provided for them, living in the garden of God. But…

God with Us

Bible Text: Exodus 3:1-12 | Preacher: Dick Beaumont | Series: None | Exodus 3:1-12a. God is calling each one of us, saying, “will you trust me?” None of us has been overlooked by God, and none of us has been undervalued by God. There is not a hierarchy of people’s Read more…

November 26, 2017
Exodus 3:1-12a. God is calling each one of us, saying, "will you trust me?" None of us has been overlooked by God, and none of us has been undervalued by…

All In for Jesus

Bible Text: Romans 12:9-21, Colossians 2:20, Ephesians 6:12 | Preacher: Dick Beaumont | Series: Romans 12 – 2017 | To get the life that God wants us to have, we have to fully lay our lives down. That means honoring others above ourselves and loving one another with sincerity. In Read more…

November 19, 2017
To get the life that God wants us to have, we have to fully lay our lives down. That means honoring others above ourselves and loving one another with sincerity.…

Building for Success

Bible Text: Romans 12:1-8, Galatians 2:20, 1 Corinthians 16:13 | Preacher: Dick Beaumont | Series: Romans 12 – 2017 | We should not be the master builders of our own lives, because if we are we will end up with a flawed foundation. And with a flawed foundation, when times Read more…

November 5, 2017
We should not be the master builders of our own lives, because if we are we will end up with a flawed foundation. And with a flawed foundation, when times…
(315) 343-4981 nccc@newccc.org Sunday Worship Service 10am