Welcome to New Covenant Community Church! 51 East Oneida Street, Oswego, NY

Pressing on in Christ

Bible Text: Philippians 3:12-14 | Preacher: Dick Beaumont | CS Lewis once said, “Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny.” But when we are in the midst of it, we often lose sight of the outcome, the end result. In this sermon, Pastor Dick Beaumont reminds us to Read more…

Restoration: Made Whole Again

Bible Text: Matthew 9:18-38 | Preacher: Dick Beaumont | How desperate are you for restoration? Are there places in your life that are broken and in need of a touch from the only one that can truly heal? Are there times when you are weak, or have been silent when Read more…

Viewing Life Through the Eyes of God

Bible Text: Matthew 9:1-17 | Preacher: Dick Beaumont | We need life God’s way. And to do this, we need to have “God’s eyesight”, meaning we both stay focused on God, and we do our best to see things the way that God sees them. And in that, our faith Read more…

Pray Audaciously

Bible Text: Genesis 18:22-33 | Preacher: Joel Greutman | Every situation is an invitation to pray. In the things that are in our control, and in the things that aren’t. We need to remember that we can boldly approach the Lord, not because of anything we have done, but because Read more…

The Way Forward

Bible Text: Deuteronomy 8:1-20, Romans 1:28 | Preacher: Dick Beaumont | As the Israelites are preparing after 40 years to enter into the land that was promised to them, God charges them to continue to live in the manner in which He has told them. But it’s not because God Read more…

Surrounded Through Surrender

Bible Text: Psalm 125:1-5, Psalm 126:1-3, Romans 8:15 | Preacher: Dick Beaumont | God protects us. Just like the president of the United States is protected in many ways, so God like a good father, protects His people in an even deeper way. God has our best interests at heart. Read more…

Your Way, Lord

Bible Text: Luke 10:25-37, Genesis 1:27, Romans 8:5, Hebrews 4:12 | Preacher: Dick Beaumont | We need to bow down and bow out. Bow down to Jesus, and bow out of control of our lives. This is the only way for unity, reconciliation, and unity. In this sermon, Pastor Dick Read more…

God’s Steadfast Love

Bible Text: Lamentations 3:19-24, Isaiah 43:2, Psalm 73:25 | Preacher: Joel Greutman | God’s Love is immovable, unchangeable, and steady. His Mercies never stop, His faithfulness is greater than we can understand. And the writer of these things is looking at the devastation of Jerusalem, the once-great city. In this Read more…

It Starts with Me

Bible Text: Romans 7:14-25 | Preacher: Dick Beaumont | All of the divides that we have in this country all starts with sin. And it’s not the sin of other people, it’s the sin that lives within each person. So the place where healing starts is within each of us. Read more…
(315) 343-4981 nccc@newccc.org Sunday Worship Service 10am