Welcome to New Covenant Community Church! 51 East Oneida Street, Oswego, NY

Bible Text: Psalm 127:1, Psalm 128:1-6, Joshua 1:9 | Preacher: Dick Beaumont | Series: Facing Faith | It takes guts to go to God and ask Him where we need to improve in our lives. But the Bible reminds us that anything not built by God in our lives is vanity. Billy Graham says that a good father is one of the most unsung, unpraised, and unnoticed, and yet most valuable assets in our country. Men need God’s help to be the people God wants them to be, and in this sermon, Pastor Dick Beaumont encourages us to stand firm, face the things in our lives that need to change with courage, and move forward with God.
Faithful Fear


(315) 343-4981 nccc@newccc.org Sunday Worship Service 10am